using social media… or not?

I haven’t been on socials since January (well that’s not strictly true - I’ve popped on to check on any work related messages or post updates about my website or things I’m working on).
But I’ve stopped scrolling. And deep diving.
Don’t get me wrong - I still have the things I go to for escape and not all of those are super healthy habits either.
But being without social media makes me realise how much I really don’t like about it.

So I find myself conflicted now that my website is live & socials can be a good way to let people know about that and related updates.
The idea of using it to ‘promote’ myself or my work makes me feel a bit queasy. Everything on socials is subject to an algorithm. That’s what decides what gets seen and when. What gets boosted and what doesn’t. And the best stuff? The stuff that really gets people’s attention? Negativity, greed, discord. Extreme views on things. Comment sections full of strongly worded disagreements.

Can I really be on board with something that pushes that to the front of the queue?
Should I use a system like that?
Should I give it any more of my attention and time and creativity?
Can I use it without also endorsing this way of thinking, prioritising?

I don’t have any straightforward answers to these questions but I have to know what’s right for me, for now, for this season.
I’d like to maybe just use socials for my creative work - and only post things that I think are encouraging or beautiful or uplifting.
Which probably won’t get seen by many because of the algorithm! But maybe one thing, one day, will get to you. Yes, you. And maybe you’ll be reminded, by what I’ve posted, that Jesus loves you. Really, truly, authentically LOVES YOU.

I think that’s an alright goal to have for social media use.

And I’ll still enjoy not scrolling and finding out in person what you did this week and asking to see photos of your holiday while I’m sitting next to you. And you can tell me what you ate and show me the funny videos and we can laugh, together.

With all that said, you’ve got to know what’s right for you, for now, in relation to how you use social media. I would really encourage you to read 10 Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier - very insightful.


What’s the why?